RFA-Exlorer enthält Virus
Der diese Woche veröffentlichte RFA-Explorer enthält einen KLEZ-Virus. Der Virus ist versehentlich in das Programm gerutscht, richtet aber angeblich keine Schäden an. Hier genauere Details von Moseley:
Sorry to all =( Well, I'm feeling like the littlest piece of crap on the planet now... It seems that a version of the klez virus was inside my extractor. I just don't even know what to say except that I'm sorry to anyone that has problems from this. Here is a link to Symantec's tool to remove all known versions of klez. Supposedly the virus is harmless, and I really hope it is... Sorry again. God what a mess =(
12.08.2005 00:24
30.11.2005 17:34
07.01.2006 20:14
c -.-