Mod-Leader Interviews
Morrow36 von der amerikanischen BF1942 Fansite BF1942-Extreme interviewte die Leader des Black Hawk Down Mods, Conflict in Somalia Mods und Desert Combat Mods. Die Interviews liegen derzeit leider nur in englischer Sprache vor. Vorab haben wir für euch schonmal die Highlights der Interviews.
DC Mod
Q:What can we expect in the next Alpha, and an ETA?
The Alpha will be out after the holidays hopefully will include many fixes to bugs and concerns in the first alpha as well as some new toys for Iraq to make them more of a match for the US.
Q: What is the major parts of the mod that still need to be completed?
Everything bascially, but we are concentrating on one thing at a time, our forcus now is Desert Storm, after that is complete we will move on we have alot more models, and things to complete then there is always optimization, debugging, balancing.
CiS Mod Q:How do you think CiS will fair against Desert Combat? Well I know DC has alot of experinced modelers on their team , they have the better modelers we have the better coders , its just one big mix Q:What will we see in the Beta? You will see lots of vehicles , the spotlight is on the UH60 and AH6
BHD Mod Q:When do you expect to have a public release? Well our Beta is going to be closed, meaning it wont be available publicly, having said that we will have a form on our website for interest as a beta tester,this should be available late jan. Q:What type of weapons and vehicles can we expect, also what type of missions/maps? You caN Expect the weapons used in real life, The M16,Car15,M249 Kalisnakov Ak47 rifles, RPG's and more, Obviously we will Include most/all of the weapons used in the Battle. As For Missons,Our mod is based on the october 3 1993 battle. So it will be Mogadishu we will have different scenarios of the battle,Night, day, many different good things we have in mind.
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