News Battlefield 1942 Objekt Editor

Objekt Editor

Objekt Editor
von MiG 13.01.2003 2 Kommentare

Schon seit längerer Zeit ist GR-Mike mit der Arbeit an seinem Objekt Editor beschäftigt. Nun hat er erste Screenshots und weitere Informationen zum Tool freigegeben. Das Tool scheint bis jetzt einer der interessantesten und besten Object-Placer zu sein.



Hi, I'm in the process of building a BF1942 Editing application that will aid modders in the placment of objects into maps. The application presents you with a top down map view and a set of tools that allows the quick placement of objects (i.e. vehicles, buildings, etc) with much less "guess work" than the manual processes involve. A couple of the features are as follows: Use of navigation map and a close-up map (using Tx##x## texture sections) -- allows for greater accuracy in placing objects. Integrated heightmap data -- when objects are placed they are automatically placed on the appropriate height for the spot clicked on. Visual tools/input. Little to no data entry by hand (unless you choose to enter it), all input is handled through icons, sliders, etc -- streamlining the process. Most placement and adjustment for objects is done by clicking and dragging directly on the map screen. Full documentation and tutorials covering all aspects of the application. I don't hang around the BF1942 community much, so I'd be interested in hearing how much use such a tool would be to those of you who mod for this great game. I wasn't able to find any tools that incorporated these features so I figured one didn't exist (or I just missed it). I started creating it for myself, but figured it'd be something the community might benefit from as well.

Thanks Mike

13.01.2003 19:37 Gast
Leutz , ich würde sagen das das scheisse is , die meisten haben net genug Zeit um sich mit komplizierten Editoren zu kümmern !!!machts leicht und flockig und es passt !!!
13.01.2003 20:44 Gast
also ich finde ihn gut..