News Battlefield 2 Battlefield Apocalypse Update

Battlefield Apocalypse Update

Battlefield Apocalypse Update
von CloneCommander 17.06.2005 2 Kommentare

Heute gibt es ein etwas anderes Update der Battlefield Apocalypse - Mod. DoomSayer erzählt hier, dass er bereits jetzt die Vollversion von Battlefield 2 erhalten hat und sich nun mit der Engine - und natürlich auch dem Spiel - vertraut machen möchte.

Von der Mod selbst gibt es derzeit kein Update, da das gesamte Team mit der BF2 - Demo "beschäftigt" war.

Anschließend wird über eine "bizarre" Test-Map berichtet, die den Spieler in die Größe einer Maus verwandelt. Etwas in der Richtung ist bestimmt vielen aus Counter-Strike bekannt: de_rats usw. Weitere Bilder findet ihr unten, den kompletten Artikel auf der BFApocalypse - Homepage.

Originaltext: I just received a copy of the full BF2 game today, shipped by the wonderfully cool EA, so now I'm really going to be diving into the files to see what makes this game tick. Of course I'm going to be playing the new maps too...

Recently, the whole BF:A staff has been spending their time playing the BF2 Demo, so not much has been going on with development. Several of us have poked around in the file structure of the demo to "learn the lay of the land" so-to-speak, but no new assets have been produced. However, we have had new test maps made for our final BFV test night, and a lot of mod testing has been going on lately. The images in this update represent one of the more "bizarre" test maps that we played. It was created by LoU-Cipher and was incredibly fun to play.

Have you ever played the game Mousetrap? Well running around this test map made you feel like the little mice...

I was always getting lost! But I was able to swim under water through the tunnel...that was interesting and even though BFV looks the same under water as it does above, this is something we want to take advantage of in BF2 as well. If BF2's "under water" doesn't actually look like your under water, we're going to try and make it look like your under water...

Like I said before, we're still doing concept testing on the BFV engine, and we've got some tricks up our sleeves.

Anyway, Juralis has another Modder's Journal entry giving his first impressions of the BF2 Demo and how things look for the BF:A mod as we transition over to the new engine.


17.06.2005 14:53 vonManteuffel
einfach lol
scheint aber gut zu sein man muss sich ja nur anschauen wie gut die grafik ist!
19.06.2005 02:25 Necro
die qualität der mod scheint echt klasse zu sein!