News Battlefield 1942 Heightmap Editor Beta 5.1

Heightmap Editor Beta 5.1

Heightmap Editor Beta 5.1
von MiG 28.01.2003 0 Kommentare

Madbull, der Entwickler des bisher einzigsten Heightmap Editors, mit dem es möglich ist die Oberfläche der BF1942 Maps zu verändern, hat nun seit einigen Tagen eine neue Beta-Version seines durchaus hilfreichen Tools veröffentlicht. Eine ausführliche Liste mit allen Veränderungen der neuen Version ist natürlich auch vorhanden.


  • Fixed unhandled exception when loading a map file if user specifies invalid map size
  • Fixed bug where user could not edit map terrain.con file if the file did not already exist NOTE: THE FILE IS NOT SAVED UNTIL YOU SAVE THE HEIGHTMAP
  • Fixed multiple bugs in selection code where user could select a single point multiple times
  • Moved selection boxes closer to terrain
  • Fixed bug where user could not change some values of terrain.con
  • Terrain is now updated after user makes changes to terrain.con file
  • Camera can now go as high as the terrain can go (based on yscale value)
  • An undo point is now only created once per mouse press when editing instead of every small change
  • Fixed bug where having a window on top of the editor while editing would cause lower framerates
  • Fixed bug where running editor on a system that uses numbers formatted like 0,6 instead of 0.6 would get incorrect heightmap values. (Non US/English OS versions)
  • Fixed bug in flatten terrain where user could not enter maximum value
  • Fixed bug where pressing undo would unselect all selected points


  • Zu Madbulls Webseite
  • Zum Download
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