News Battlefield 1942 BHD Mod: Interview

BHD Mod: Interview

BHD Mod: Interview
von Kevin 30.01.2003 0 Kommentare

Sorry wegen den etwas späten News. Der Black Hawk Down Mod hat ein Interview mit SL Gaming geführt.


SI Gaming: Thank you for allowing this interview. With the amount of work completed on the mod, do you have ideas on when a final version well be released?

Sherrill: We dont because we do not know when the map editor will be out.

SI Gaming: According to some rumors, EA will be releasing the Map editor in "Road To Rome".

Sherrill: We really dont know because they also said it will be out with the original version of Battlefield 1942.

SI Gaming: How would you say your team has performed?


Das ganze Interview könnt ihr hier lesen!

  • BHD Mod
  • SL Gaming
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