Community Update 31.01.2003
Electronic Arts hat auf der offiziellen Battlefield 1942 Webseite nun den ersten öffentlichen Trailer zum Addon "Battlefield 1942 - The Road To Rome" freigegeben. Diesen Trailer könnt ihr euch ab sofort in guter (ca. 16 MB) und schlechter (knapp 6 MB) Qualität ansehen. Des Weiteren kam es zu einem neuen Community Update, welches unter anderem über die erfolgsversprechendsten BF1942 Modifikationen berichtet.
Road to Rome Trailer:
Weitere Infos:
Road To Rome Ships on February 4 Set your watches, mark your calendars, save the date -- because February 4th is when DICE and EA would like to invite you to experience the action-packed Battlefield 1942: Road to Rome expansion pack! With that in mind, we figured that you needed a little something to get you excited about what we have to offer... without further delay, we?d like to present the first Road to Rome trailer.
Hot Battlefield 1942 Community Prospects We're huge fans of what the community comes up with using Battlefield 1942 as a foundation. So we wanted to showcase a few of the community-related sites that we've been visiting