Auf der Website des Servermanagers Battlefield 2 Command Control (BF2CC) wurde gestern ein kurzes Update veröffentlicht, in dem der baldige Release eines neuen Daemons (Version 1.0.205
und eines Clients (Version 1.0.2057) angekündigt wird.
Im BF2CC Forum hat Entwickler Brandon bereits ein Changelog veröffentlicht, in dem neue Features, Fixes und der Hinweis auf einen Bug beim kicken via Punkbuster aufgeführt werden. Geändert wird in der neuen Version die beiden Default-Ports, da der alte Port 6711 von etlichen Trojanern benutzt wird und deshalb oft geblockt wird. Die neuen Ports sind 4711 und 4712. Gefixed werden laut dem Changelog einige Bugs, darunter unter andem die Banned Words und der Bereich Auto-Messages. Ein weiterer Bug, der beim kicken via Punkbuster auftritt, konnte nicht behoben werden. Laut Aussage der BF2CC Entwickler liegt das Problem in der Anticheatsoftware begründet.
CHANGED Default Daemon Port is now set to 4712 and Default Rcon Port set to 4711. We are recommending these new ports due to ISP's blocking 6711 & 6712 due to a common Trojan. This was causing users to have connectivity issues. If you or your clients can't connect a client to Daemon, and you are 100% positive the port is open, we recommend changing the daemon port.
FIXED (Client Bug) Users can now switch from Non-Ranked backed to Ranked after they have launched a NON-Ranked server with a password. There is now a "Rankings Enabled" Check Box in the General Server Settings. This Checkbox will only be visible to users who connect to a Daemon started with the "-ranked" parameter.
FIXED (Client Bug) Users in "Trusted R-Con" were able to open the Admins, Auto-Admin forms, and Dashboard. These are reserved for Daemon mode only. Toolbar Buttons are Now Disabled Properly for Trusted R-Con Mode as well.
FIXED (Client Bug) Large Ban Times would cause an overflow error
FIXED (Client Bug) Right Clicking on the last word of the last line in the chat window caused an overflow exception
FIXED (Client Bug) Importing Banned Words now works better for users who paste banned words lists instead of typing them.
FIXED (Client Bug) Exporting Banned Words only worked when exporting to an existing file
CHANGED Spam Message Interval Changed to 20 minutes
CHANGED Auto-Messages are now based on a rotating/looping system with dynamic delay per message. Delay is in SECONDS now instead of Minutes. Make sure you EDIT your Auto-Message Delays to account for Seconds!
CHANGED (Client) Connection timeout increased from 6 to 45 seconds to account for DNS issues.
ADDED (Client & Windows Daemon) .NET Framework 1.1 Check
ADDED (Client) -nosplash parameter now accepted. It disables the splash screen
ADDED (Daemon) -dontpassthru parameter. +config, +mapList etc. are NOT passed on to the bf2_w32ded.exe process.
KNOWN ISSUE: Using PB kicks does NOT always work 100% of the time. We have narrowed this down to a bug in PunkBuster. To verify this, you can try a command 'pb_sv_kick "playername"' directly into the console of the BF2 dedicated server when BF2CC is unabled to perform a PB Kick on a player. You will see that PB errors out. Unfortunately, we are unable to parse PB output due to another PB bug. This means that for now BF2CC will be unaware of the inability to PB kick a player. You can deselect the 'Use PB Kicks' option in the options of the BF2CC client and do a regular manual kick to get that player off of your server.
NOTE: The Daemon <-> Client version checking has not been updated for this version. This is to allow users who need a longer connection timeout to use the new client with the old daemon until their Provider updates the daemon. The only feature that won't work correctly is the auto-messages. They will still work using the old method but not the new rotating message system.