Neues vom inoffiziellen Map Editor
Zerk, der Entwickler des inoffiziellen Map Editors, hat wieder mal was neues von sich hören lassen. In einem kurzen Text beschreibt er unter anderem, dass sein Map Editor BattleCraft '42 heissen wird. Hier der komplette Auszug:
Here is my periodic news update on my unofficial BF42 map editor... BattleCraft '42. Since I'm writting the engine from scratch, there are alot of things must be completed before the editor can be built. For instance, camera functions, menu systems, text display routines, mouse routines, keyboard routines ect. I'm happy to say that all that stuff is in and working. Now I have begun working on the meat and potatoes of the program. It's still coming along nicely and I think that there will be something to play with before the end of this month. Lets hope anyways! Maybe sooner!
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