Community Update #13 (8.2.03)
Gestern hat es auf der offiziellen Battlefield 1942 Webseite mal wieder ein recht informatives und hilfreiches Community Update gegeben. In dieser Mitteilung wird erwähnt, dass die Entwickler an den Sound-Bugs arbeiten, die durch den Patch 1.3 entstanden sind. EA Mike erläuterte auch, wie man zukünftig für Maps im Spiel voten kann und wie man sich die Map-Rotations-Liste ansehen kann.
Voting in Battlefield 1942 When a poll is initiated in BF1942, each player tells the server which candidate they are voting for. The candidate with the most votes at the end of the poll wins. I'll use map voting as an example: To vote for a map, use the "game.voteMap" command and use the map ID number as an argument. You can find the ID numbers for maps by using "game.listMaps". You can only vote for a map that the server has in its map list. When you run the "game.listMaps" command while connected to a server, you'll see a list like this:
Map 0: Berlin Map 1: Bocage Map 2: Tobruk Map 3: Stalingrad
So let's say you want to vote for Tobruk. In the console, you enter "game.voteMap 2". At this point, a message is broadcast to all players that a new poll has begun. Each player then has a certain amount of time to cast their vote for the map they want to change to ("game.voteMap 3" or "game.voteMap 0" and so on). The map with the most votes after the time limit wins the vote -- as long as its total number votes is above a certain percentage of all the votes. EAComMike and the rest of the Battlefield 1942 team!
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