Desert Combat Interview
Die Jungs von hatten die Gelegenheit mit den Entwicklern des Desert Combat Mods für Battlefield 1942 ein Interview zu führen. Leider ist das Interview derzeit nur auf englischer Sprache vorhanden. Schaut doch einfach mal rein!
[QTeam]Rogue: How did you guys get involved with DC? [DCDev]admiraljesus: Well ctsketch pmed me on the forums and asked invited me to join [DCDev]ctsketch: I discovered Desert Combat after I bought BF1942 in September and saw Frank's Challenger Tank model, I Followed the mod for a while, gave input and decided one day I would like to try and help, originally I wanted to do background art, etc, but frank was in need of skinners. So I thought "well its art I guess, I can do it" [DCDev]LinkA: After spending a lot of time playing the BF1942 demo, I just thought the game would be a lot cooler if set in modern times, so I started modeling an Apache. When I saw someone else (Frank Delise) was working on a modern day mod as well, I e-mailed him and asked if I could help him with his project and he agreed.
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