G.I. Joe Mod Patch 1.1
Die kürzlich veröffentlichte Alpha-Version des G.I. Joe Mod beinhaltete einige kleine Fehler und Bugs, welche manche User sehr unglücklich machten. Darum arbeiteten die Entwickler in den letzten Stunden sehr hart um einen Patch an die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen, der diese Probleme behebt. Ein Download dieses ca. 6 MB grossen Patches zur Alpha-Version 1.1 ist bereits jetzt in unserer Download-Sektion möglich.
Sorry it took us so long. We kept running into problem after problem. Now it back to the way it's suppose to be. We have busted our butts to fix it. We are very sorry for all of the problems. It seems it all stems from a problem with the menu_001.rfa file but after we got to looking we found it was much deeper than that. I would like to thank you all for the support that you have give us. We really needed. I would also like to thank some great guys from our forum that helped out D-Run and AmnChode were a huge help in tracking down the problem. Credit for the fix goes to Syko_Rip. Your da man!! We would also like to thank everyone else who have help us in getting this fixed. We are sorry our first release ended up having this many problems and thank you guys for understanding that it's an alpha.
den patch kann man doch von unserem dl-server saugen.
kann halt nur sein, dass der zeitweise überfüllt is
jo, aber 140 mb sind auch n bissi viel fuer unsern ftp
viel spass beim registrieren und saugen *gg