News Battlefield 1942 Neuigkeiten von BattleCraft'42

Neuigkeiten von BattleCraft'42

Neuigkeiten von BattleCraft'42
von Manitu 13.10.2002 0 Kommentare

Im englischen Forum von veröffentlichte der Entwickler Zerk neue Screenshots zu seinem Projekt BattleCraft'42. Dabei handelt es um einen Map-Editor zu Battlefield 1942 und so wie es scheint, ist dieser bald fertiggestellt und wir können neue Maps erstellen. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Forum:

I've been working on it quite a bit lately. Although there is SOOO much to be done... at least all the stuff I want to do anyway. Im thinking I might just make the editor for editing the map only and leave the other stuff like object creation, mission building, AI building and such to the upcoming MOD tools to be released by DICE. What do you think?Anyway, I have the terrain editing basically done. Like point selecting, point raising/lowering, autosmoothing, carving tool, smoothing tool and loading/saving of maps. Here are some new screenies! Here is some terrain selected. The red points indicated the selected points, the green/yellow points indicate smoothing groups. Here, the smoothing group setting is set to 6. Autosmoothing can be disabled to create more distinctive terrain just as pits, trenches and jumps for instance.
After raising the terrain a bit, the red points will raise accoriding to how you manipulate them. Notice that the smoothing groups automatically smooth the terrain around where the terrain was raised to maintain a realistic effect.

And the new terrain in game.

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