Map Update
Die Battlefield Map A bridge too far ist heute in der Version 2 veröffentlicht wurden. Sie ist sowohl für das normale Battlefield geeignet, sowie für den Desert Combat Mod. CHANGES:
Added - 2 stairs to get out of the water near bridge (Berlinwaterwalls). Added - CTF and TDM mode. Added - CQ/CTF and TDM mode for Desert Combat .3 Added - Lightmaps (only for M1 objects, M2 are for in the buildings: not supported) Added - Little mesh; a sign board, a bit useless but implanted to test custom objects only in 1 map .rfa file. Added - some stones at the end of the bridge. Change - Sky (custom made berlin with some red to default stalingrad). Change - some fixes at the heightmap.raw Change - some fixes at the materialmap.raw Change - new textureground and ingamemap. Change - Japanese lcvp boats to daihatsu. Change - Increased tickets (now it takes 16 min. instead of 12 when the counter reaches zero when the bridgeflag or(and) all 4 headquarters is/are taken. Change - Fog color and some other colors. Change - Removed 1 ruine house at A7 Fixed - exploit to get behind the buildings at the edge of the map. Unsolved - little bug with yellow lines from artillery but you can normally target someone. Unsolved - coop/sp support
wenn die karte spaß macht, vergisst man solche konzeptfehler aber auch wieder schnell. und dadurch, dass die brücke quer ist dauert es länger sie zu überqueren, da die strecke der brücke länger wird. vielleicht war das die absicht des mappers.