BF42: Secret Weapons - Interview
Auf der Webseite von Computer and Video Games gibt es seit neustem ein Interview mit Armando Marini von Digital Illusions zu dem kommenden Expansion-Pack Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons. Das Interview ist zwar leider nur in englischer Sprache vorhanden, trotzdem gibt es sehr viele interessante Informationen, die es recht lesenswert machen.
Update: Bei den Partnern von gibts jetzt im Forum eine deutsche Übersetzung zum Interview. Also, unbedingt vorbei schauen!
An obvious one really - can you tell us about some of the new secret weapons and about how powerful they are?
Marini: If you compare the new weapons to those in the original game, they are powerful enough to turn the tide of battle if they were placed in an original map. For instance, early on in the project we used El Alamein as a test bed. When we completed the Hortens, it really felt like the Germans had this invincible war machine. That said though, the new weapons are not placed in old maps. They are pitted against likewise devastating secret weapons.
For instance, the AW-52 can lay down fire on a location like nothing else before it. However if there is a Flakpanzer along the route, that AW-52 becomes a very interesting wreck. The game is still based on rock/paper/scissors gameplay.
http://forum. redclaw. de/showthread. php?s=&threadid=5514