Experience WWII Mod
Schon seit längerer Zeit haben die Entwickler des Soldier 9 Realism Mods dem Projekt den neuen Namen Experience WWII Mod verpasst. Auf BFCentral.com gibt es jetzt eine ausführliche Beschreibung aller Änderungen und Erneuerungen in der nächsten Version, die wir vielleicht schon bald erwarten dürfen.
1. Italian Landing Craft Position Icons Corrected 2. All Tank and Artillery Projectile Velocities Corrected 3. LOD on Sherman, Tiger and Kubelwagon Wrecks Corrected 4. Jeep and Kubelwagon damaging tanks by exploding adjusted 5. Tiger, PIVG, PIVH, Chi-Ha Cannon Ammunition Corrected 6. MG34, MG42, .50, .30, BAR, Breda, MP18, MP40, STG44, Sten, Thompson, Type96 and Type100 ROF adjusted 7. PIV Tank's Reload Time adjusted 8. Flak-38 and Allied AA Elevation adjusted and Velocity adjusted 9. Flak-38 and Allied AA Ammuntion and Reload Icons Added 10. M11-39 turret Armament Corrected, (Twin 8mm Breda Model 38 MGs not Cannons) 11. M11-39 turret MGs ROF, Velocity, Ammunition and Muzzle Flash Corrected 12. M11-39 turret MGs can now be fired independently 13. M11-39 turret MGs Ammunition and Reload Icons Added 14. AI on all Handweapons adjusted -Bots should not throw grenades at vehicles anymore -Bots Weapon accuracy and range reduced 15. M3Grant turret Cannon ROF, Velocity, Ammunition and Muzzle Flash Corrected 16. M3Grant turret Cannon Ammunition and Reload Icons Added 17. ME110 Tail Gunner X-hair Removed 18. Browning .50 Cal and MG42 First Person View adjusted (Iron Sites) 19. T34 Hull Gunner Added 20. Vehicles can now be disabled 21. Vehicles do not fly into the air after being destroyed 22. Vehicle Wrecks burn 23. Vehicle Wrecks Time To Live adjusted 24. Panzerfaust in German Early Kit Removed 25. Walter P38 in Omaha Axis Sapper Kit Removed 26. Vehicle MG Gunner Position Heights adjusted 27. M1 Carbine Damage adjusted -Was slightly underpowered 28. Priest Top MG Position Added 29. Priest Position Icons Corrected 30. Katyusha Firing Recoil adjusted 31. Katyusha Third Passenger Added 32. Katyusha Position Icons adjusted 33. MG Ammunition adjusted -MG42 50 Round Drum -MG34 Coax 250 Round Belt -Browning .30 Coax 250 Round Belt in Ammo Box -Browning .50 250 Round Belt in Ammo Box 34. MG's Reload Time adjusted 35. All Tank's Mass Corrected 36. All Tank's Elevation Corrected 37. MG42 Sounds adjusted 38. B17 Position Icons Corrected 39. B17 Rear Left and Right Side Gunner Positions Added 40. B17 Tail Gunner Position Added 41. Flak38, Allied AA, PAK40, AT25 Hit Points adjusted 42. Sherman Hull Gunner Elevation and Traverse adjusted 43. PIV's Top turret MG Sensitivity corrected