Community Update #5
Auf der offiziellen Webseite zu Battlefield 1942 wurde nun das fünfte wöchentliche Community Update veröffentlicht. Der Patch zur Version 1.2 wird laut dieser Nachricht wohl in den nächsten 2 Wochen erscheinen. Der dedifizierte Linux Server befindet sich bereits in Beta-Phasen. Da jedoch leider noch einige Probleme vorliegen, die zu gelöst werden wollen, wird sich die Fertigstellung wohl noch etwas verscheiben.
Comunity Update #5:
To paraphrase Stalin, "a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is one night in the life of a Battlefield player." Of course if you're good, that number may be in the low hundreds...
Official Battlefield-related announcements: We'd like to remind you that official announcements will come to you via the community update, EAComMike on the forums, or other EA maintained areas of the web site. Anyone in the forum impersonating an employee from EA should be ignored as such, and will be dealt with by the web admins.
1.2 Patch Update Good news here - you can expect the patch to be available for download within the next two weeks.
Linux Server Update We're in beta testing on the linux standalone server. We're finding some nasty bugs, you can expect to see this as soon as we get those issues cleaned up.
KOiN operated Can you pull off a TNTJRGC (TNT jump rear gunner change)? How about an SA (Simple Airwalk)? Or an UHS (Uphill Slide)? Or the ultimate, land a plane on a midair? Or maybe a sweet inverted bridge jump. Wondering what the heck I'm talking about? What better way to spend your Friday than by checking out some community generated hijinks: NBrigadeTheStuntsHigh.avi
Don't forget to grab the divx codec before you watch this bad boy. You can download it by going to this web address:
Excellent stuff. After the video, why not stop by the webpage of the group responsible for all of that fun and mayhem. Honorable mention goes to KOiN - you know who you are.