Ausführliche Details zu DC 0.39
Seit heute gibt es auf der offiziellen Webseite zum Desert Combat Mod erste ausführliche Details zum Patch 0.39. Wann der neue Patch nun letztendlich veröffentlicht wird, ist allerdings leider noch ungewiss. Sobald es neue Infos gibt, werden wir euch natürlich darüber in Kenntnis setzen.
DesertCombat Alpha Version 0.39 Patch ** BattleField 1942 Version 1.4 or 1.45 required Public Alpha Release Notes
** Download at bottom of page, but please read..
The DesertCombat team is pleased to announce the next major public alpha of DesertCombat. Since the alpha tests have been so successful, we were able to get valuable feedback and bug reports to make this mod even better, Thank you so much for the support and feedback.
Public Alpha 0.39 features a slew of bug fixes and additions aimed at creating one of the best war game experiences on the PC. In this stage of development each is roughly balanced with some minor advantages to each, making gameplay much more fun and exciting.
.39 Public Release Weapons and Vehicles
** This is not the complete or final list, this is only what is available for the public alpha and more will follow in the next alpha release.
- New in DesertCombat .39
.39 is mainly a patch release to BattleField version 1.45, but we decided to add some features of DesertCombat .4 into this release.
Here is a change list of whats new in this version,
Full Battlefield 1942 Version 1.45 Compatibility New DesertPatrol Vehicle (Dune Buggy) New Guided Cruise Missle M203 and GP30 grenade launchers have been toned down New Map, Oil Fields feature lots of new static and animated objects New Ural Tanker Improved Khafji Docks map, fixed cheats and bugs New PKM model New F16 model and rockets New Mig29 model and rockets New shorter radio voice sounds New M16 sounds Added M-109 and M-1974 artillary arc Increased MP5 Accuracy Incresed fighter jet guns power against other jets Made rockets have larger explosion radius against other planes. (AA-10, MagicII and Aim9) AA rockets get straight flight path AA rockets converge at 250m AA rockets increased velocity Hellfires, AT-3s, FFARs given 150m convergance Hellfires, AT-3s, FFARs begin slightly outside rocket pods to reduce collisions when turning Hellfire / AT-3 velocity increased New gun sound for F-16, Mig29 Increased sound range for Avenger cannon Optimized all simple models and view distances for greater performance Edited all soundscripts for increased performance and quality Fixed Humvee windows Added new rocket trail for RPG and Helicopter rockets Added RPG scope Added high deviation when running and jumping with RPG and SMAW Added Crosshairs to RPG and SMAW Added M203 Added Gp30 Stinger has very little effect on soldiers Fixed Stinger direct Hit Added Ah-64 rocket spiral Added AH-64 hydras weak against armor Lower M-109, M-1974 against armour Added new effect to M-109, M-1974 to reflect splash damage Reduced smoke on ZPU Reduced mortar power against armour
Outline of vehicles and weapons in DesertCombat .39
- M1A1 Heavy Tank
- M2A3 Light Tank
- MLRS Mobile rocket truck
- Humvee with a .50 cal machine gun and Supplies
- Humvee with a Tow launcher
- M163 Vulcan Mobile AntiAircraft
- M-109 Mobile Artillery
- Spec Ops Raft
- Desert Patrol Vehicle *
- A-10 Thunderbolt II
- A-10 Thunderbolt II Bomber
- A-10 Thunderbolt II Cluster Bomber
- F-16
- AH-64 Attack Helicopter
- UH-60 Blackhawk Transport Helicopter
- AV8b Harrier
- AC-130 Gunship
Hand Weapons
- M16A2 Assault Rifle
- New MP5 sub machine gun
- M9 handgun
- Remington Shotgun
- SMAW rocket launcher
- M249 Machine Gun
- M25 Sniper Rifle
- C4
- M15 LandMine
- Deployable SandBags
- Deployable Mortar
- Stinger Missle
- M203 Grenade Launcher
- T-72 Heavy Tank
- Shilka Mobile Antiaircraft
- BDRM2 (amphibious)
- BDRM2 Spandrel (amphibious)
- BM21 Multiple launch rocket truck
- M-1974 Amphibious Artillery
- SCUD Launcher
- Stationary ZPU anitaircraft machine gun
- BMP-2 Amhpibious personel carrier *
- Ural Truck Personel Carrier
- Ural Fuel Truck
- Mig29
- SU-25 Ground Attack Plane
- M124d Hind attack Helicopter
Hand Weapons
- AK-47
- AK7-SU
- Browning Hipo Handgun
- RPG7
- Saiga12k Shotgun
- PKM Heavy Machine gun
- Scorpion sub machine gun
- Tabuk Sniper Rifle
- C4
- M15 LandMine
- Deployable Mortar
- Antipersonel mines
- Deployable Sandbags
- Gp30 Grendade laucher
Misc. weapons and vehicles
- Maverick Missiles
- AMRAAM missiles
- Hellfire missiles
- Hyrda missiles
- MK83 large Bombs
- SnakeEye Bombs
- SCUD Rockets
- AS-7 Bombs
- Cluster Bombs
- Tomahawk Guided Cruise missle *
- Forklift
- MK19 Semi Automatic grenade launcher *
.39 Public New Maps
DC Oil Fields (Conquest) DC LostVillage (Conquest) DC Battle of Eastings (Singple player, Co-op, Conquest) Inshallah Valley - by Flatline|44 (Conquest)
Support for all BF maps.
Enjoy Desert combat .39, see you on the servers.
Frank DeLise DesertCombat Founder
If you find any bugs, please send them to
Achja 0. 39 kommt am Freitag den 15. August 2003
Achja was meintse mit version 1. 45 ?
Das ursprünglich für Ende dieser Woche angekündigte Release-Datum der neuen Desert Combat Version . 39 wurde auf den 15. August 2003 verschoben. . .
(Zitat ende
mgh opaWilli