News Battlefield 1942 Embassy Evac Preview

Embassy Evac Preview

Embassy Evac Preview
von Al Bundy 18.08.2003 3 Kommentare

Kürzlich sind Bilder und ein Statement von Christophius von Spin Maps aufgetaucht. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Preview seiner neuen Map "Embassy Evac"


Thought I would give you guys the first look at an upcomming map we plan to release soon. You can tell from the attached pics it's still relatively incomplete, but it will all be refined before release I assure you. The current name is "Embassy Evac," the premise being that a small allied airfield complex is serving as a command/negotiation center. The installation's main defenses are its relatively remote location and top secrecy, however when a better armored axis tank division stumbles on the base, the allies must quickly evacuate the complex to the opposite shore airfield via several VIP diplomats' b17's. They must do this before the axis overwhelmes and captures the complex if they are to have any spawnpoints. Enjoy the pics!


18.08.2003 14:29 Al Bundy
ich sorge doch immer wieder für den neusten stuff ^^
18.08.2003 14:36 Quel_Thalas
und ja net aufhören
18.08.2003 15:52 Randy
Also, die Screenshots sind ja echt billig. . . da wird noch viel Arbeit nötig sein. Bin mal auf die finale Version gespannt.