Battlegroup 42 Final: Release Candidate 3 und Patch 1 veröffentlicht
Patch Changelog:
- fixed bombs on G4M Betty (no longer destroys itself)
- removed faulty camouflage net on 4504-uelzen
- fixed 1P view on KhT 130 tank
- added missing glass on IL-4 fuselage and turret
- lowered two sandbags on 4503-paderborn to allow proper aiming and firing of PaK 40
- removed the overheating of Oerlikon 20mm guns (similar guns don't have overheating at all)
- changed the firing rate and ammo amount of 20mm guns of Bf 109 F-4
- removed the centerline "Motorkanone" from Bf 109 E-3
- replaced the FlaK 38 on the Hilfskreuzer with a FlaK C/30
- changed ammo amount of FlaK C/30 to 20 rounds per magazine
- fixed faulty rudder on Mosquito and Swordfish
- improved Swordfish flight physics
- added missing crosshair to Swordfish rear gunner
- Swordfish spawn on Attacker class carriers fixed
- reworked the suspension mesh on RAM Kangaroo
- fixed the faulty plane spawns on Taiho carrier
- fixed the no cockpit 1P view on some planes
- reworked mantlet and gunbarrel for Jagdpanther
- reworked soldier spawns in Coop mode on 4307-114_to_messina
- fixed ticket bleed on 4504-royan_outskirts
- fixed faulty ammo/health dispenser
- coop mode for 4005-willemsbrug removed
- 1P view of P-40 (all versions) fixed
- fixed Russian M1939 aa gun
- M5 mobile at gun fixed
- fixed missing/wrong AI templates for Swordfish