News Battlefield 1942 Road To Rome Interview

Road To Rome Interview

Road To Rome Interview
von MiG 14.12.2002 0 Kommentare

Auf der englischen Webseite findet ihr nun ein Interview mit den Erstellern des "The Road To Rome" Addons für Battlefield 1942, welches voraussichtlich im Februar erscheinen wird. Das Interview ist leider nur in englischer Sprache vorhanden.


You've mentioned that the expansion's six new maps will include Operation Husky (Sicily) and the battles for Anzio and Monte Cassino. Could you give us details on all the maps present, telling us which confrontations they focus on and what to expect from the environments in each? Hoh: Apart from the three maps mentioned we also have included another beach landing, a bit different from the Husky map, and two maps that are focusing more on both intensifying the battles but also showing the new landscape. The maps in Road to Rome are focusing on some of the typical sceneries you can see in the south of Italy. Steep hills, valleys and the water nearby gives the new maps a different feel from the old maps. Of course, it is not an actual representation of Italy, but it still gives a nice image of a possible Italy.

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