News Battlefield 1942 Update für den Linux-Server

Update für den Linux-Server

Update für den Linux-Server
von MiG 14.12.2002 0 Kommentare

Seit kurzem steht schon das erste Update für die Linux Version des dedifizierten Battlefield 1942 Servers zum Download bereit. Mit diesem Update werden nun so langsam alle auftretende Fehler beseitigt. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass nun bei jeden einzelnen der Linux-Server ohne weiteres läuft und bestehende Probleme gelöst wurden.


This version should (knock on wood) fix all the least, it should fix all the ones that I got backtraces for. It will definitely fix the crash on map restart for those that got that far, and some other problems that were likely causing crashes on startup have been patched, too.

That being said, I can't promise it will, since this will need more broad testing to sort it out. If you still experience crashes on startup and such, my apologies. Just let me know and we'll sort it out, but I'm more confident.

To use, unpack the tarball over your old installation. It'll overwrite the binaries and the README with new versions. This is just an update, so you'll need the original tarball if you didn't have it already.

Note that this is just focusing on this nasty crashes right now so that we can get around to more specific bug reports.

Good luck, everyone

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