Merciless 1942 Addon
Prowlinger, einer der Entwickler von Merciless Creations hat sein Battlefield 1942 Addon namens "Merciless 1942 Historic Addon V3" veröffentlicht. Dieses Addon bietet euch ein 100% historisch korrektes Battlefield 1942. Zusätzlich gibt es ein Bloodpatch und viele kleine andere interessanten Sachen. Die Größe des Addons beträgt stolze 19 MB.
This pack contains THE only 100% historic addon for 1942. Along with numerous additional gifts, you get a great customized GUI for playing 1942. Pass this on to your 1942 buddies! This pack is 100% compatible with single player and multiplayer games! This does not contain ANY cheats or game altering modifications to 1942. It is all cosmetic changes to the GUI.
NOTES: THIS PACK CONTAINS 100% HISTORICALLY CORRECT MARITIME COUNTRY INSIGNIAS! This includes the German Swastiska and Japanese Imperial Sun images. We do not promote any actions or beliefs of Nazism nor Japanese Imperialism. This pack was designed to provide 1942 players with 100% true country symbolism. Unfortunely 1942 had to be altered "politically correct" for specific parties in the current world. It is understandable to censor complete hate but if you censor history then you are destroying the rights of others. 1942 isn't a historic sim, per say, but seeing incorrect German flags just didn't fly with everyone. The least EA could have done was make a toggle switch to NOT use historic emblems. History should not be censored.... Regardless, DICE / EA deserves a massive round of applause for making 1942 come true... never before has a team game been so fun!
Play the game! Enjoy, Questions / Sugestions? Contact me at: